All about equipment, tips, mods, etc. Get the most out of your equipment and make the best beers, ciders, meads, and wines that you can!
Table of Contents
Fermenters & Ferm. Hacks

A guide to some common glass and metal fermenters, plus some basic fermenter tips and equipment mods to make your life as a homebrewer easier. Originally Posted: Aug. 4, 2020 A collection of various glass carboys. Intro Here are a few tips and tricks I’ve discovered over the years involving …
Grainfather Tips and Tricks

Some usage tips and potential modifications for new and prospective users of the original Grainfather. Originally Posted: Aug. 10, 2020 My Grainfather, shortly after unboxing and assembly (circa Jan. 2017). Intro The Grainfather is an all-in-one brewing system. It was one of the earliest ones to hit the market and …
Cider Pressing

A guide to apple cider pressing, using freshly picked apples. Originally Posted: September 2, 2020 Our first apple cider pressing party, August 2019. Intro Basic apple cider was my first true foray into the world of homebrewing. I had brewed a beginner’s stove-top beer kit before, and had even taken …
Labeling Homebrew

A guide to labeling homebrew, and how to easily remove existing labels from bottles. Originally Posted Sept. 28, 2020 Printed labels for my Pumpkin Spice Metheglin. These were my first labels using Dashleigh waterproof labels. Intro There are many reasons why homebrewers label their bottled brews. Labels can help you …
Canning Homebrew (with the Cannular Can Seamer)

Home canning made easy: A written guide to setting up and using the Cannular Can Seamer. Originally Posted: Sept. 28, 2020 My Cannular Can Seamer, disassembled to make adjustments. Intro In the course of your homebrewing career, you may begin to look beyond simple bottle conditioning to more advanced methods …
Kegging Tips for Beginners

Some tips for brewers thinking of taking the plunge into kegging homebrew (and a few keg pitfalls to avoid). Originally Posted: Oct. 12, 2020 A Corny keg attached to a gas line, regulator, and 5 lb. CO2 tank. Kegging my Bochet Braggot Stout was the first time I used a …
Guide to Pressurized Growlers & Mini-Kegs

A quick guide to commercially available pressurized growlers, and how to make a simple one of your own using a mini-keg and a few specialized parts. Originally Posted: Oct. 12, 2020 The 128 oz. version of the GrowlerWerks uKeg, with a 1.75-gallon mini-keg in the background. Intro Many homebrewers switch …
Wine Racks: Tips & Tricks

Some wine rack tips and tricks for safe mead storage. Originally Posted: 3/29/2021 Attaching 2.5″ I.D. silicone O-rings to wine racks can prevent bottles from sliding out during disasters. I got a question on Reddit the other day on how I have my wine racks set up (they were visible …
Homebrew Filtration

Easy filtration with the Buon Vino Mini-Jet, an affordable filter system for the average homebrewer. Originally Posted: August 7, 2021 A batch of Ube Mead, before and after filtration. Intro As a homebrewer progresses in their craft, their brews often improve in appearance as well as taste. A new homebrewer’s …
Check back in the future for:
- Bottle Conditioning / Can Conditioning Tips