Welcome to Brewing Mischief, a blog about the brewing and fermentation of beers, ciders, meads, and more!
Three bottles of Mixed Berry Melomel mead, bottled during Snowpocalypse 2019.
I’ve created this blog as a focal point for all of the brewing knowledge I’ve acquired over the past few years, and plan to add to it regularly.
Much of the information presented here was gained from reading books and articles on brewing and fermentation, even before I started making my own brews and gaining practical experience. Other pieces of information were directly sought out on the internet, and I will try to link directly to them when I can (especially online calculators).
Many of the brewing recipes that I’ve done successfully were based on existing recipes from books or the internet. Often, I’ll blend aspects of two recipes that sound appealing. Even more often, I’ll substitute ingredients or yeast strain to see how the final brew will change. I encourage you, readers, to do the same.
Brewing, like cooking, is about experimentation and making something delicious.
New: For recipes and cooking-related topics, visit my new blog Cooking Mischief!
A savory mushroom-garlic steeped mead that’s perfect for cooking and deglazing, and is surprisingly drinkable on its own! Originally Posted: December 16, 2023 A mixture of dried chanterelle and shiitake mushrooms, rehydrating to prepare them to go into the mead. Quick Specs OG = 1.105 FG = 0.998 ABV: 14% …
A rustic country-wine style mead made with beetroot and wildflower honey. This beet mead is earthy, slightly tart, and a great way to use extra beets. Originally Posted: March 23, 2022 Bottled beetroot mead. Quick Specs OG = 1.104ABV: 13.7%Taste Profile: Earthy and slightly tartTime: 9ish monthsYield: 22 bottles after …
An experimental mead made using Ube Halaya and wildflower honey. Originally Posted: Dec. 7, 2021 A labeled bottle of Ube Mead. A spoonful of Florence Halaya Ube spread, ready to be mixed into the must. Quick Specs OG = 1.105ABV: 14.3%Taste Profile: Like a plain mead, but richer, and mildly …
Easy filtration with the Buon Vino Mini-Jet, an affordable filter system for the average homebrewer. Originally Posted: August 7, 2021 A batch of Ube Mead, before and after filtration. Intro As a homebrewer progresses in their craft, their brews often improve in appearance as well as taste. A new homebrewer’s …
The Solera Cyser Project, an experiment in years-long continuous aging of Apple Cyser Mead in the sherry style. Originally Posted: Apr. 23, 2021 Last Updated: Dec. 22, 2021 Three 6-gallon Hungarian oak barrels from J.K. Cooperage. I had originally planned on using four 5-gallon barrels, but they stopped production of …
A guide to making healthy and probiotic Lacto-Fermented Garlic, and to preserving raw garlic for longer periods of time. Originally Posted: 3/29/2021 Fermented garlic lasts for a much longer time than fresh raw garlic, and can be used in nearly all the same cooking applications as fresh garlic. Intro Garlic …