Information about how to make cysers, melomels, metheglins, pyments, and other meads.
Table of Contents
General Notes on Mead

Some general notes, facts, quickie calculations, and tips for making mead. I’ll try and keep this updated as I learn new tips. Originally Posted: Aug. 3, 2020 Assorted bottles of basic Apple Cyser mead and caramelized Bochet Cyser mead. Terminology for Beginners Beer: Any grain-based alcoholic beverage, typically consisting of …
Basic Apple Cyser Mead

One of my favorite simple meads, a basic spiced Cyser (apple mead) is a great choice for beginners. The use of apple juice allows you to save money on honey as a fermentable. Originally Posted: Aug. 3, 2020 A few bottles of a finished batch of Cyser Quick Specs OG …
Mixed Berry Mead

My first Mixed Berry Mead, inspired by and adapted from The Compleat Meadmaker. Originally Posted: Aug. 3, 2020 Took the opportunity to take some cool pictures during Snowpocalypse 2019. Quick Specs OG = 1.175 as 3 gallon starterOG = 1.105 diluted to 5 gallonsABV: ~13.8%Taste Profile: Light at first, develops …
Braggot Stout

A bochet-style braggot stout (with a chocolate milk stout as a base) Originally Posted: Aug. 6, 2020 A can of Bochet Braggot Stout. Quick Specs Est. OG = 1.095 (1.060 without honey)OG = 1.080 actualEst. FG = 1.022FG = 1.017ABV: 8.3%Taste Profile: Chocolate flavor and lactose creaminess dominate, caramelized honey …
Basic Bochet Mead

Simplified steps to caramelize honey for making a Bochet style mead. Originally Posted: Aug. 7, 2020 Honey is easily caramelized in a slow cooker. Quick Specs OG = 1.105ABV: ~13.8%Taste Profile: Like caramel, toasted marshmallow, or toffeeTime: ~3 months for the One-gallon versionSize: One-gallon batch (scalable) Intro Bochet is a …
Rooibos-Coffee Mead

A rich mead made using Rooibos tea and Stumptown Cold Brew Coffee. Originally Posted: Aug. 8, 2020 My first batch of Rooibos-Coffee mead, bottled. Quick Specs OG = 1.105ABV: ~13.8%Taste Profile: Strong and semi-sweet coffee flavor with rooibos and vanilla in the backgroundTime: about 5 monthsYield: ended up with just …
Cabernet Sauvignon Pyment Mead

A Pyment (grape wine mead) made with a Cabernet Sauvignon wine kit. Originally Posted: Aug. 8, 2020 A bottle of Pyment mead, made with a Cabernet Sauvignon wine kit. Quick Specs ABV: ~12%Taste Profile: like a dry red wineTime: 3 monthsYield: 30 bottles Intro Like apple cyser mead, Pyment may …
Mango-Habanero Mead

Mango-Habanero Mead is a spicy and fruity brew, brainstormed with a good friend of mine. Its culinary applications are immense. Originally Posted: Aug. 9, 2020 About 25 bottles of Mango-Habanero Mead. Quick Specs OG = ~1.105ABV: ~14%Taste Profile: Spicy and fruityTime: First batch only took 2 months; second batch took …
A Blueberry Mead and a Cherry Mead

Twin recipes for blueberry mead and cherry mead. Each mead uses all-natural fruit concentrates as their base, which are often more affordable than fresh or frozen fruit, or bulk juice. Originally Posted: Aug. 7, 2020 Last Updated: Apr. 2, 2021 A finished bottle of blueberry mead. A finished bottle of …
Pear Mead

My first attempt at making a Pear Mead, using a fruit wine concentrate. Originally Posted: Aug. 8, 2020 Basic ingredients I used for my first attempt at pear mead: Vintner’s Best brand pear wine concentrate and 15 lbs. of Kirkland brand clover honey. Quick Specs OG = Originally I forgot …
Harvest Pumpkin Spice Metheglin

My first true metheglin, a pumpkin spice mead. Originally Posted: Sept. 24, 2020 I made sure to add the phrase “Unleash Your Basic White Girl” to the label as a joke directed at several of my friends XD Quick Specs OG = ~1.120 (after step-feeding, apple juice, and maple syrup)ABV: …
Bochet Cyser

A recipe for a cyser (apple mead) with dark caramelized honey. Originally Posted: Sept. 29, 2020 Last Edited: Apr. 23, 2021 Bochet Cyser next to a wildflower honey Cyser. Quick Specs OG = 1.105 – 1.115 (depending on apple juice) ABV: ~12 – 14% Taste profile: Semi-dry, caramel notes, spices …
Date Mead

A recipe for mead using dried medjool dates. A quick tip: use a mesh bag. Originally Posted: Sept. 30, 2020 Bottled and labeled Medjool Date Mead. Quick Specs OG = ~1.105 ABV: ~12-13% Taste Profile: Rich and semi-sweet Time: ~3 months Yield: 21 bottles (lost some fluid to dried fruit …
Honey-Fermented Garlic Mead

Honey-Fermented Garlic Mead: A Rich Mead for Cooking or Drinking Originally Posted: 3/25/2021 A bottle of finished Honey-Fermented Garlic Mead. Quick Specs OG = 1.105ABV: 13.8%Taste Profile: Garlicky and richTime: A few weeks as Honey-Fermented Garlic, plus a few weeks after adding water and yeast, plus a few weeks for …
Wine Racks: Tips & Tricks

Some wine rack tips and tricks for safe mead storage. Originally Posted: 3/29/2021 Attaching 2.5″ I.D. silicone O-rings to wine racks can prevent bottles from sliding out during disasters. I got a question on Reddit the other day on how I have my wine racks set up (they were visible …
Solera Cyser Project

The Solera Cyser Project, an experiment in years-long continuous aging of Apple Cyser Mead in the sherry style. Originally Posted: Apr. 23, 2021 Last Updated: Dec. 22, 2021 Three 6-gallon Hungarian oak barrels from J.K. Cooperage. I had originally planned on using four 5-gallon barrels, but they stopped production of …
Ube Mead

An experimental mead made using Ube Halaya and wildflower honey. Originally Posted: Dec. 7, 2021 A labeled bottle of Ube Mead. A spoonful of Florence Halaya Ube spread, ready to be mixed into the must. Quick Specs OG = 1.105ABV: 14.3%Taste Profile: Like a plain mead, but richer, and mildly …
Beet Mead

A rustic country-wine style mead made with beetroot and wildflower honey. This beet mead is earthy, slightly tart, and a great way to use extra beets. Originally Posted: March 23, 2022 Bottled beetroot mead. Quick Specs OG = 1.104ABV: 13.7%Taste Profile: Earthy and slightly tartTime: 9ish monthsYield: 22 bottles after …
Mushroom-Garlic Mead

A savory mushroom-garlic steeped mead that’s perfect for cooking and deglazing, and is surprisingly drinkable on its own! Originally Posted: December 16, 2023 A mixture of dried chanterelle and shiitake mushrooms, rehydrating to prepare them to go into the mead. Quick Specs OG = 1.105 FG = 0.998 ABV: 14% …
Check back in the future for:
- Blended Cyser Solera Project
- Garlic Cooking Mead