Safety Disclaimer - Brewing Mischief

Safety Disclaimer

All recipes and techniques presented by Brewing Mischief are primarily for informational purposes.  Responsibility for food and alcohol safety when trying to recreate a recipe is solely that of the individual reader or brewer.  Responsibility for equipment safety is also solely that of the individual reader or brewer.

Proper handling and storage of ingredients (i.e. air-tight containers, freezing, etc.) is necessary to prevent illness.  Accidental cross-contamination by spoilage microbes should be prevented against.  Proper cleaning and sanitizing procedures should be used.

Some brewing equipment can cause injury, including but not limited to pinching, cuts and abrasions, burns, and injuries resulting from transporting heavy objects.  Some brewing sanitizers can be caustic or acidic, and should be handled carefully in their concentrated forms.  Proper care and common sense should be used when using brewing equipment or chemicals.

In regards to alcohol, please drink responsibly.



